Differential miRNA expression defines migration and reduced apoptosis in follicular thyroid carcinomas

作者:Wojtas Bartosz; Ferraz Carolina; Stokowy Tomasz; Hauptmann Steffen; Lange Dariusz; Dralle Henning; Musholt Thomas; Jarzab Barbara; Paschke Ralf*; Eszlinger Markus
来源:Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2014, 388(1-2): 1-9.


The objective of the study was to identify microRNAs (miRs) characteristic for follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) and to define their role in tumorigenesis. A miR-microarray study was conducted to identify miRs differentially expressed between FTCs and their surrounding tissues. Selection was further reinforced by a literature review. Four miRs were selected and confirmed by RT-qPCR: miR-146b, -183, -221 were up-regulated, whereas miR-199b down-regulated in FTCs. The influence of these miRs on cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis and migration was studied in HTori and FTC-133 cells. Functional characterization suggests an impact of miR-183 and miR-146b in FTC development. Overexpression of both miRs significantly induces migration. Moreover, overexpression of miR-183 significantly represses apoptosis. MiR-199b and -221 do not have significant effects on proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis or migration in HTori and FTC-133 cells. Our data suggest that miR-146b and miR-183 may influence FTC development through the induction of migration and apoptosis inhibition.

  • 出版日期2014-5-5
