
The objective of this study was to determine the adaptation of some azolla genotypes to Aegean ecological conditions in the western part of Turkey. A research was carried out in the Research Field of the Aegean University, Faculty of agriculture, Izmir-Menemen during 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. Thirteen genotypes belong to the Species, A. caroliniana, A. microphylaa, A. filicloides and A. pinnata var. Pinnata, obtained from IRRI and two azolla species, A. Filicloides and A.mexicana, adapted to Aegean conditions were used in the experiment. The results of the study showed that the genotypes FI-1040 and MI-4030 could be adaptable to the Aegean ecological conditions. Their fresh weight increased 222.4 % and 221.8 % m(-2) and they had dry weight values 67.8 g M-2 and 8.2 g m(-2), respectively. The fresh weight values of these genotypes were approximately 230 ton/ha, whereas, the annual dry matter production reached to 16.0 ton/ha.