
I discuss multi-wavelength data on the archetypal CSS radio galaxy 3C303.1. The radio source is sub-galactic in scale where it can directly affect the ISM of the host galaxy. The emission line kinematics and ionization diagnostics are consistent with energy input from shocks driven by the radio source. The Spitzer IRS spectrum indicates that star formation is occurring in the host galaxy. The HST/ACS/HRC UV image shows UV light which is aligned with the radio source axis. I suggest that the UV light is from young stars which have been triggered by the radio lobes. XMM observations detect the ISM of the host galaxy with a temperature of 0.8 keV plus an additional component whose properties are not well defined. I suggest the second component is a hot shocked gas (T = 45 keV) consistent with a Mach number of 13 for the expanding bow shock. Thus, the multi-wavelength data give a consistent picture in which the radio source drives shocks into the ISM which ionize dense clouds, trigger star formation, and shock heat the hot component of the ISM to very high temperature. These observations demonstrate that radio sources can provide significant feedback to their host galaxy.

  • 出版日期2009-3