
The ability of pancreatic beta-cell mass to vary according to insulin requirements is an important component of optimal long-term control Of glucose homeostasis. It is generally assumed that alteration of this property largely contributes to the impairment of insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes. However, data in humans are scarce. and it is impossible to correlate P-cell mass and function with the various stages of the disease. Thus, the importance of animal models is obvious. In rodents. increased beta-cell mass associated with an increase in the function of individual beta-cells contributes to the adaptation of the insulin response to insulin resistance in late pregnancy and in obesity. A reduction in beta-cell mass always corresponds to an alteration in insulin secretory capacity of islet tissue (Zucker diabetic fatty and Coto-Kakisaki rats, db/db mice). During regenerative processes following experimental reduction of beta-cell mass [partial pancreatectomy, streptozocin (STZ) injection], beta-cell mass increase is not associated with a corresponding improvement of beta-cell function. thus indicating that regenerative beta-cells did not achieve fuuctional maturity. The main lesson from experimental diabetes is therefore that beta-cell mass cannot always predict functional capacity of the beta-cell tissue and that the functional P-cell mass rather than the anatomical beta-cell mass must be taken into account kit kill times.