
It is well known that the combination of barotropic rotation and radiative equilibrium is mutually incompatible in stars. The Sun's internal rotation is far from barotropic, however, which allows at least the theoretical possibility that the Sun's thermal balance is one of radiative equilibrium in the region of the tachocline near the outer boundary of the radiative zone. We show here that (i) the constraint of radiative equilibrium leads to a straightforward ordinary differential equation for the Sun's rotation profile, and (ii) solutions of this equation can be found that, to within current levels of accuracy, closely resemble the rotation profile deduced from helioseismology. More generally, we calculate how large a baroclinic deviation from uniform rotation is required to maintain radiative equilibrium without meridional circulation throughout the bulk of the radiative zone. Very little deviation is required, well below detectability. The feasibility of radiative equilibrium for the tachocline suggests that the issue of a spreading boundary layer may be less severe than previously thought.

  • 出版日期2015-4-11