
The German Migraine and Headache Society and the German Neurological Society present the revised version of their evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of migraine. In the treatment of mild attacks, the early intake of NSAIDs or paracetamol and in severe attacks the intake of a triptan is recommended. There is no general preference for a specific triptan. In the drug prophylaxis of migraine, substances of first choice are metoprolol, propranolol, flunarizine, valproic acid, and topiramate. Substances of second choice ore amitriptyline, venlafaxine, gobapentin, naproxen, acetylsalicylic acid, petasites, magnesium, and vitamine B2. Beside advices for life-style, relaxation therapy, biofeedback and cognitive behavioral therapy are the focus of non-drug treatment procedures. In particular, the combination of non-drug therapies among themselves or with a drug prophylaxis are most effective.