An integrated anti-arrhythmic target network of compound Chinese medicine Wenxin Keli revealed by combined machine learning and molecular pathway analysis (vol 13, pg 1018, 2017)

作者:Wang, Taiyi; Lu, Ming; Du, Qunqun; Yao, Xi; Zhang, Peng; Chen, Xiaonan; Xie, Weiwei; Li, Zheng; Ma, Yuling; Zhu, Yan*
来源:Molecular Biosystems, 2017, 13(10): 2181-2181.


Correction for ‘An integrated anti-arrhythmic target network of a Chinese medicine compound, Wenxin Keli, revealed by combined machine learning and molecular pathway analysis’ by Taiyi Wang et al., Mol. BioSyst., 2017, <bold>13</bold>, 1018–1030.
