
Digital signature is extensively used in many practical applications as numerous cryptographic services have been proposed. In this paper, we will be the first to propose a signature scheme that integrates the following properties. (1) It is a distributed RSA-type multi-signature. (2) It is a blind and weakly undeniable signature. (3) The modulus used by each participant cosigner is identical. (4) Its signature form is identical to that of a standard RSA signature. (5) The length of the signature is independent of the number of participant cosigners. (6) %26quot;Zero-knowledge undeniable signatures%26quot; is applied to execute the confirmation/disavowal protocols. (7) %26quot;The Gap-Problem%26quot; is used to solve the forgery problems. A multi-signature distributes the authority and responsibility of the signer among a set of cosigners with efficiency. The blindness and unlinkability properties found in blind signatures can effectively protect the privacy and anonymity of the signature requester. The confirmation and disavowal protocol found in weakly undeniable signatures can safeguard the signature requesters from accepting invalid signatures and reject valid ones. They also protect the signers from false accusations that sign invalid signatures. Therefore, our scheme is suitable for many important cryptographic services, such as electronic voting, electronic payment and other electronic commercial services.