A tripodic biomimetic underwater microrobots utilizing ICPF actuators

作者:Zhang Wei*; Guo Shuxiang; Asaka Kinji
来源:IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006-10-09 to 2006-10-13.


In this paper, to deal with the locomotion in underwater environment, we designed a novel type of leg, inspired by stick insect legs. The biomimetic leg is composed of two segments of ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer Film) actuators with a 2-DOF motion. It has simple structure, simple control method, and good localization characteristic. We designed and developed a prototype microrobot with 3 units of the legs. The dimension of the microrobot is 48*20*17mm(3) and its dried weight is 0.65g. We have measured the speeds with different control signals. The experimental results show that it can arrive at a speed of 4.7mm/s with a control signal of 5Hz and 10V. And results indicate that the novel type leg has a good speed performance and localization in aquatic environment. The microrobot using ICPF actuators has powerful applications in the biomedical and naval fields.
