
This paper presents an improved phase disposition pulsewidth modulation (PWM) (PDPWM) for the modular multilevel converter (MMC) which is based on the selective loop bias mapping (SLBM) method. Its main idea is to change the bias of the PDPWM carrier wave cycling according to the balance situation of the system. This new modulation method can operate at symmetric condition to generate an output voltage with as many as 2N + 1 levels, and by SLBM, the voltages of the upper/lower arm capacitors can be well balanced. Compared to carrier phase-shifted PWM, this method is more easily to be realized and has much stronger dynamic regulation ability. Specially, this method has no issues of sorting, which makes it suitable for MMC with a large number of submodules in one leg. With simulation and experiments, the validity of the proposed method has been shown.