
We aimed to describe the human resources and apparatuses of community health service (CHS) in Tongliao City of China and investigate the differences between CHS centers and stations. Field investigations and questionnaire-based surveys were conducted in 120 CHS organizations of Tongliao City, which were selected by a stratified multistage random cluster sampling method. Data were collected on the human resources, medical apparatuses, and satisfaction of covered residents. We found that the total number, educational background, and professional titles of staff were lower at stations than at centers. Although the categories of providing health services were comparable between centers and stations, stations provided fewer health services than centers did. In addition, stations owned fewer apparatuses compared with centers. The percentages of satisfaction on many items were lower among residents covered by stations than among those covered by centers. Desired health services provided by CHS organizations have been partially accomplished in Tongliao City. Attracting more highly educated professionals and purchasing more valuable apparatuses may be helpful to improve the unbalanced distribution in human resources and apparatuses between centers and stations. Appropriate modifications of corresponding policies should be taken into consideration by the local government in the future.