
Viscosity measurements serve as a very vital and versatile tool for flow measurements and to study intermolecular interactions in liquid mixtures especially in the field of petrochemical and reservoir engineering. The need for development of newer models for theoretical evaluation of viscosity is a matter of considerable significance and various theories have been proposed by several workers over the years. Present investigation is an attempt to modify the well established Frenkel relation for prediction of viscosity. The modified relation has been applied to 100 binary, 14 ternary and 2 quaternary systems over a wide range of temperature. The obtained results have been compared with few predictive and correlative approaches in literature alongwith the original Frenkel relation by taking absolute average percentage deviation (AAPD) as the criterion. The model testing results clearly indicate the superior predictive capability as compared to the original relation. The improvements in AAPD values are seen to be as high as 80.86 times (8085.7%) for binary and 5.85 times (585%) in case of ternary system.

  • 出版日期2016