Nanobiotechnology as an emerging research domain from nanotechnology: A bibliometric approach

作者:Takeda Yoshiyuki; Mae Shiho; Kajikawa Yuya*; Matsushima Katsumori
来源:Scientometrics, 2009, 80(1): 23-38.


Nanotechnology has been intensively investigated by bibliometric methods due to its technological importance and expected impacts on economic activity. However, there is less focus on nanobiotechnology, which is an emerging research domain in nanotechnology. In this paper, we study the current status of the former, with our primary focus being to reveal the structure and research domains in nanobiotechnology. We also examine country and institutional performance in nanobiotechnology. It emerged that nanostructures, drug delivery and biomedical applications, bio-imaging, and carbon nanotubes and biosensors are the major research domains, while the USA is the leading country, and China has also made substantial contribution. Most institutions having a major impact in the area of nanobiotechnology are located in the USA.