
Prerenal acute renal insufficiency is a reversible condition which likely occurs in the course of gastrointestinal diseases as a result of dehydration, endotoxemia and nephrotoxic medication. Eight cases presented to the Equine Clinic of the Free University Berlin with different gastrointestinal diseases are described. In all cases renal insufficiency with elevated urea and creatinine levels was detected early in its course. All cases received sufficient fluid therapy after detection of renal insufficiency until polyuria occurred. While the administration of fluids led to the normalization of renal parameters in 7 horses, prolonged hypovolemia in one (which was presented with diarrhea and apathy for a few days) had resulted in the development of intrinsic renal failure. These case reports show that early diagnosis and immediate and adequate rehydration treatment are crucial to prevent the transition from prerenal to intrinsic renal insufficiency. Intrinsic renal failure is often accompanied by irreversible impairment of the kidneys and a worse prognosis. Early detection can be a challenge as clinical symptoms are often related to the underlying gastrointestinal disease. Specific blood examinations (urea, creatinine, renal function test) are useful in establishing a diagnosis.

  • 出版日期2012-8