
A rheo-optical method; based on pulsed compression ATR dynamic infrared linear dichroism (DIRLD) step scan time-resolved-FT-IR/2D-IR spectroscopy; is further improved. By inserting a tungsten carbide block with massive weight between a film sample and a piezo electric actuator; a ring-down response was successfully generated according to the inertial effect. As a result; it became possible to generate the multiplexed compression stress; which has a broad frequency distribution according to the viscoelasticity characteristic of polymer films. For crystallized poly (ethylene terephthalate); dynamic response differences among C=O; C-C-O stretching; and trans CH2 wagging vibration region was found at 45.5 kHz Fourier frequency. In the case of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxy-hexanoate); C=O stretching vibration regions also show different dynamic feature with increasing Fourier frequencies.

  • 出版日期2016-9