
This paper aims to investigate the asynchronous group consensus problem for discrete time heterogeneous multi-agent systems under dynamically changing interaction topologies. Here the heterogeneous system is composed of hybrid dynamic agents including first order dynamic agents and second-order dynamic agents, and asynchrony implies that each agent only detects the neighbors' state information at certain discrete time instants determined by its own clock that is independent of the other agents'. For different kinds of agents, two asynchronous consensus protocols are proposed to realize local control strategies, respectively. With the help of nonnegative matrix theory, in particular the product properties of row-stochastic matrices from a noncompact set, a sufficient condition in terms of the interaction topologies is established to guarantee that the asynchronous group consensus problem can be solved under very relaxed conditions, i.e., the union of the effective interaction topologies across any time intervals with some given length is only required to contain a spanning tree. Numerical examples are finally provided to validate the theoretical results.