
Through the investigation and analysis of status and influence factors in post-earthquake traffic system, this paper studied the influence of the bridges, roads and roadside buildings after an earthquake on the optimal path searching. This paper aimed to introduce the authors' study of route choice for post-earthquake transporting exigency based on the principles of timely, security and economy of the transport route choice under exigency situation. To describe the above three decision-making parameters in accordance with mathematics theory, it is necessary to establish the objective functions through processing the dimensionless technique and weight aggregation so as to set up a mathematical model for evaluating the utility of prepared route and model merges collected information according to the expectation utility attributes as well as to make the multi-attribute decision-making problems into the single one. @@@ In order to find a scientific post-earthquake traffic path and define a scheduling decision-making method in an emergency rescue transporting center and enhance the response effect of the emergency rescue, it is necessary to choose and establish the highest expectation utility plan and to develop a decision information system which has the ability of transportation system management, optimal path analysis and searching using the network-analysis model of ArcGIS Engine.