
The aim of the article is to introduce a paraconsistent logic, G3(L)(%26lt;), related to Godel 3-valued logic G3. In order to adequately explain G3(L)(%26lt;), the akin logics G3(L(FD)) and G3(L)(1) are also investigated. A Henkin-style completeness proof is provided for each one of these logics by endowing them with dually equivalent under-determined and over- determined bivalent semantics of the type defined by Dunn. G3(L(FD), G3(L)(1) and G3(L)(%26lt;) are related to %26apos;quasi relevant%26apos; logics such as R-Mingle or RM3, as well as to non-relevant logics such as Lukasiewicz L3 or some logics in the vicinity of intuitionistic logic. The logic G3(L)(%26lt;) belongs to the class of paraconsistent logics extending positive intuitionistic logic rather than positive classical logic.

  • 出版日期2014-8