
An automatic core reload design tool was developed for a pressurized water reactor (PWR). A loading pattern (LP) was searched for using three different algorithms: the rank-based ant system (RAS), max-min ant system (MMAS), and Ant-Q which are variants of the ant colony algorithm. The fuel assemblies (FAs) were permuted in a one eighth core position and then the LP was copied to the other one eighth core with mirror symmetry, to form a quarter core LP, which was extended to a full core LP with rotational symmetry. Heuristic information was implemented to reduce search space and thus computation time. Safety requirements, such as the hot channel factor F-Delta H and moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), which must be satisfied, were formulated as penalty terms of the quality function. The search procedure contained two steps. The first step was to place the FA so that F-Delta H and MTC might be slightly violated, and the second step was to rotate the FA, which would improve the F-Delta H and MTC and the fuel cycle length. When the LP was designed, the SIMULATE-3 code calculated the F-Delta H, MTC, and cycle length, which were used to update the pheromone. The results demonstrated that the developed tool can obtain a LP which possesses the desired cycle length and also satisfies safety requirements.