
Commercial software is used widely in slope stability analyses of reinforced embankments. Almost all of these programs consider the tensile strength of geotextiles and soil-geotextile interface friction. However, currently available commercial software generally does not consider the drainage function of nonwoven geotextile reinforcement. in this paper, a reinforced channel embankment reinforced by a nonwoven geotextile is analyzed using two methods. The first method only considers the tensile strength and soil-geotextile interface friction. The second method also considers the drainage function. In both cases, the reinforced embankment is modeled in rapid drawdown condition since this is one of the most important conditions with regard to stability of channel embankments. It is shown that for this type of application, modeling a nonwoven geotextile reinforced embankment using commercial software which neglects the drainage function of the geotextile may be unrealistic.

  • 出版日期2009-10