
In this paper we generalize Dirac's phase operator 1/root Na by defining a new phase operator root a+(a) over tilde dagger/a dagger+(a) over tilde in doubled Fock space, where (a) over tilde a is a fictitious mode which annihilates the fictitious vacuum state vertical bar(0) over tilde >. It turns out that root a+(a) over tilde dagger/a dagger+(a) over tilde corresponds to a classical phase in the entangled state representation and is unitary. Remarkably, <(0) over tilde vertical bar root a+(a) over tilde dagger/a dagger+(a) over tilde vertical bar(0) over tilde > is just the Paul's phase operator whose antinormally ordered form is 3 vertical dots 1/root Na 3 vertical dots. We also employ the method of integration within ordered product of operators to obtain the Fock representation of Paul's phase operator, from which one can see how it deffers from Susskind-Glogower's phase operator.
