
The distribution of fibronectin in dental pulp was studied in developing and developed human teeth by indirect immunofluorescence using a confocal laser scanning microscope. In the apical region of developing teeth, intense fluorescence was found along the basement membrane facing the mesenchyme of Hertwig's epithelial sheath and first-formed (mantle) predentine. With further elongation of odontoblasts, fibronectin was observed between the cells, appearing as corkscrew fibres passing from the pulp into predentine parallel to the long axis of the odontoblasts. In the coronal region of developing and developed teeth a similar distribution of fibronectin was observed in the odontoblast layer. At the border zone between odontoblasts and predentine the reaction was intense, but was weak in the predentine itself. In the calcified dentinal matrix it had disappeared completely, except for the area along the dentinal tubules. The results demonstrate that fibronectin is present in the odontoblast layer during all stages of dentinogenesis. Fibronectin-positive fibrous structures between odontoblasts probably correspond to von Korff fibres, and are closely related to odontoblast differentiation and dentinogenesis.

  • 出版日期1994-5