Mechanical properties and structural features of nanocrystalline titanium produced by cryorolling

作者:Moskalenko V A*; Betekhtin V I; Kardashev B K; Kadomtsev A G; Smirnov A R; Smolyanets R V; Narykova M V
来源:Physics of the Solid State, 2014, 56(8): 1590-1596.


A broad spectrum of physicomechanical properties of the VT1-0 nanocrystalline titanium produced by cryomechanical fragmentation of the grain structure using rolling at a temperature close to liquid-nitrogen temperature has been studied. It has been found that the mechanism of grain refinement is associated with grain fragmentation by twins. Exactly the twin nature of internal interfaces (crystallite boundaries) provides the thermal and structural stability of nanocrystalline titanium produced by cryomechanical grain fragmentation in the temperature range to similar to 500 K. It has been assumed that the observed decrease in the titanium density due to cryorolling is associated with a number of factors (high density of introduced dislocations, nanopore formation, and changes in titanium lattice parameters).

  • 出版日期2014-8