
One may wonder if we really should use a very high concentration of KOH electrolyte in Ni-MH batteries, to keep the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the alloy, while this solution is very aggressive to the used alloys. In this work we present a comparative study, using different techniques of two concentrations, 1 M and 8 M KOH electrolytes. The maximum capacity values are 295 mAh g(-1) and 237 mAh g(-1), the loss in capacity, after 23 cycles, are of 10% and 58%, the polarization after the activation are 110 mV and 360 mV and the thickness of the corrosion layer, on the electrode surface, are 7 nm and 42 nm, for the 1 M and 8 M KOH electrolytes, respectively. These results showed that replacing the solution 8 M with 1 M improves the performance of Ni-MH batteries and leads to better results.

  • 出版日期2009-2-5