
Alkylation of benzene with propylene was carried out with FeCl3-chloro-butyl-pyridine (FeCl3-[bpc]) ionic liquid as catalyst to obtain cumene. Significant improvements in propylene conversion and cumene selectivity under mild reaction conditions were attained by modification of the catalyst with HC1. Under 20°C, 0.1 MPa, reaction time 5 min, mole ratio of benzene to propylene 10:1 and mass ratio of FeCl3-[bpc]to benzene 1:100, the conversion of propylene can increase from 83.60% to 100.00% and the selectivity of cumene can increase from 90.86% to 98.47%. If reaction is carried out in following two stages, the result will be very good. At initial stage of reaction, alkylation is the main reaction. Higher conversion of propylene is obtained at lower temperature. At later stage of reaction, transalkylation is the main reaction and the selectivity to cumene can be increased by appropriately raising reaction temperature.

  • 出版日期2006
