
For identifying the potential surrogate of periphytic ciliate communities for monitoring marine water quality, the different taxonomic resolutions/taxa as surrogates and different data transformations were studied based on two datasets of ciliate communities in Korean coastal waters. Multivariate analyses showed that: (1) a dominant Zoothamnium duplicatum significantly masked the temporal patterns of periphytic ciliate community; (2) the order level resolution maintained sufficient information to evaluate the efficient patterns of ciliate communities in response to environmental impacts; (3) the vagile-ciliate assemblage at species-level resolution was as costly as whole periphytic ciliate communities without Z. duplicatum at the order level; and (4) the severity of data transformations played a crucial role for effectiveness of surrogates, e.g., heavy transformation for species level and mild for higher. These results suggest that the use of lower taxonomic resolutions is time-efficient and would allow improving sampling strategies of large spatial/temporal scale monitoring researches in the marine ecosystem.