
Athermal (AT) propagation directions in KGd(WO4)(2) and KLu(WO4)(2) crystals are found for two configurations (monolithic and laser cavity) at two wavelengths of 633 and 1064 nm. Four branches of solutions for AT directions exist for both configurations in KGd(WO4)(2) and for the laser cavity configuration in KLu(WO4)(2); for the monolithic configuration there are one or two branches for wavelengths of 633 and 1064 nm, respectively. Two of the branches for the laser cavity configuration pass in the vicinity of the crystal optical axis, where solutions are extremely sensitive to the direction of propagation. In some cases discrepancy in thermo-optic and thermal expansion parameters found by different authors may lead to the appearance (or disappearance) of AT directions.

  • 出版日期2013-6-20