MRI features of serous oligocystic adenoma of the pancreas: differentiation from mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas

作者:Lee J H*; Kim J K; Kim T H; Park M S; Yu J S; Choi J Y; Kim J H; Kim Y B; Kim K W
来源:British Journal of Radiology, 2012, 85(1013): 571-576.


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe the MRI features of the benign pancreatic neoplasm serous oligocystic adenoma (SOA) that differ from those of mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN), a neoplasm with the potential for malignant degeneration. %26lt;br%26gt;Methods: Seven patients with SOA (seven women; mean age 36.6 years) and eight patients with MCN (eight women: mean age 39.9 years) were included. Several imaging features were reviewed: mass size, location, shape, wall thickness, cyst configuration (Type I, unilocular; Type II, multiple clustered cyst; Type III, cyst with internal septation) and signal intensity of the lesion with heterogeneity. %26lt;br%26gt;Results: SOA lesions were smaller (3.4 cm) than those of MCN (9.3 cm) (p=0.023). The commonest lesion shape was lobulated (85.7%) for SOA, but oval (50.0%) or lobulated (37.5%) for MCN (p=0.015). The most common cyst configuration was Type II (85.7%) for SOA and Type III (75.0%) for MCN (p=0.008). Heterogeneity of each locule in T-1 weighted images was visible in all cases of MCN, but in no case for SOA (p=0.004). %26lt;br%26gt;Conclusion: SOA could be differentiated from MCN by identifying the imaging features of lobulated contour with multiple clustered cyst configurations and homogeneity of each locule in T-1 weighted MR images.