Anomalies of the placenta and umbilical cord in twin gestations

作者:Hubinont Corinne; Lewi Lie**eth; Bernard Pierre; Marbaix Etienne; Debieve Frederic; Jauniaux Eric
来源:American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015, 213(4): S91-S102.


The frequency of twin gestations has increased over the last few decades, mainly due to maternal age at childbearing, and the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Twins are at higher risk of aneuploidy, structural anomalies, and placental abnormalities. Some of the placental and umbilical cord abnormalities found in twin gestations are nonspecific and can be found in singleton gestations (ie, placenta previa, placental abruption, single umbilical artery, velamentous cord insertion, vasa previa, etc). However, other anomalies are unique to twin gestations, and are mainly associated with monochorionic twins-these include intraplacental anastomosis and cord entanglement. Most of these conditions can be diagnosed with ultrasound. An accurate and early diagnosis is important in the management of twin gestations. Determination of chorionicity, amnionicity, and the identification of placental anomalies are key issues for the adequate management of twin pregnancies. Pathologic placental examination after delivery can help in assessing the presence of placental and umbilical cord abnormalities, as well as providing information about chorionicity and gaining insight into the potential mechanisms of disease affecting twin gestations.

  • 出版日期2015-10
