A Control Lyapunov Approach to Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

作者:Prior Gideon*; Krstic Miroslav
来源:Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 137(1): 011001.


In this paper, we present a novel model predictive control (MPC) scheme that incorporates stability information derived from a control Lyapunov CLF) to dynamically prune suboptimal sequences from the search space and decrease the computational burden placed on the controller. The CLF used for pruning is then incorporated into a cost function that penalizes energy in the error system as well as energy loss due to switching. Despite the very small control periods allowed due dynamic pruning, experimental results are given, showing the resulting controller generates low switching frequencies and low total harmonic distortion.