
A modified bismaleimide resin film with a good film-formability was fabricated by adding thermoplastic polyether sulphone (PES). The DSC, gel time, dynamic viscosity and viscosity at certain temperature were measured. The film has a low viscosity at 130°C (139.3 mPa·s), and the retention time for viscosity less than 1000 mPa·s and 3000 mPa·s at 130°C are 98 min and 117 min, respectively, which makes the resin easily impregnate the fiber perform thoroughly in resin film infusion (RFI) process. A numerical simulation of RFI for composite unit with crossed stiffener was analyzed by control volume/finite element method. The change of infusion height with time, the pressure distribution and the limit infusion height at 130°C and -0.1 MPa were predicted. The arbon fiber/madiied bismaleimide composite with crossed stiffener was successfully prepared, in which no obvious defects were observed by A and C scan.
