
This paper presents an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) channel estimation technique that jointly considers the effects of coarse timing error and multipath propagation. Many conventional approaches only consider an optimistic scenario where timing synchronization is perfect and each of the channel delays is an integer number of system samples. In realistic scenarios timing offsets and echo delays are not integer multiples of the system's sampling period. This leads to poor estimation and consequently reduces the system's overall performance. This paper proposes a novel iterative channel estimation technique, which considers the practical scenario of fractional timing error and nonsample-spaced echo delays. The proposed method does not require channel state information (e.g., second-order statistics of the channel impulse responses or the noise power). Moreover, timing error can be conveniently obtained with the proposed technique. Simulation results show that, when comparing OFDMA channel estimation techniques under realistic data over cable service interface specification 3.1 channel conditions, the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms all conventional methods known to the authors.

  • 出版日期2017-6
  • 单位Saskatchewan; Saskatoon