
Objective: In this study, the authors aimed at examining E6/E7 mRNA gene expression by means of NucliSENS EasyQ (NASBA) in patients in which HPV infection was detected and diagnosed with cervical dysplasia. Materials and Methods: This study included 77 patients diagnosed with cervical dysplasia. The patients were grouped based on cervico-vaginal smear anomalies. Digene HC2 DNA Collection Device transport medium was used for taking and keeping cervical samples, QIA symphony SP device, and QIAsymphony DSP AXpH DNA kit were used for HPV DNA extraction from cervical samples kept in transport medium, HPV Q24 complete kit, RotorGene and PyroMark Q24 for detection of HPV-DNA and determination of HPV types and NucliSENS Easy Q Genetic Analyzer technique for determination of E6/E7 gene expression in HPV positive samples. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) Version 22.0 was employed in statistical evaluation of the research date. Results: The most common HPV was considered as type 16 in this study. When pathology specimens of patients in whom dysplasia was detected in their cervical biopsies were examined in terms of HPV E6/E7 mRNA expression, a statistically significant difference was found between the normal and pathology groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Today, the presence of HPV infection in etiology of cervical smear pathologies and dysplasia is undisputedly accepted. The main determinant factor of HPV virulence is the frequency of E6 and E7 gene expressions existing in the DNA structure and responsible for virulence. NucliSENS_Ea_syQ (NASBA) is a technique employed to analyze mRNA gene expression in an accurate, reliable, and rapid way. Parallel to the conclusions of studies in the literature, frequency of E6/E7 gene expression increases in proportion to the increasing dysplasia degree of cervical pathologies in the present study as well.

  • 出版日期2017
