
. Purpose: This study analyses the consequences of vitreoretinal traction on the macula and in particular the impact of a vitrectomy on the development of the age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Methods: In this retrospective case study, 42 eyes of 21 subjects were examined. The vitreous of one eye must have been removed by vitrectomy at least 8 years ago. At that point in time, the patients had to be at least 50 years old, with a healthy vitreous body of the other eye and a healthy macula in both eyes. Both eyes were examined using an optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan, B-scan ultrasound, a binocular slit-lamp funduscopy and a fluorescence angiography (FAG) to evaluate the potential development stage of an ARMD and the vitreous status. Results: In the follow-up examination, the patients had an average age of 73.6 years. In 0 of 21 vitrectomized eyes (0%), there were signs for an early ARMD. In 5 of 21 nonvitrectomized eyes (23.8%), we found ARMD-like changes in the angiography and slit-lamp examinations. Of these 21 eyes, five eyes presented persistent attachment of the posterior vitreous cortex to the macula, while 16 eyes showed complete posterior vitreous detachment. All five eyes (100%) with premonitory signs of an ARMD showed persistent attachment of the posterior vitreous to the macula. Conclusion: We demonstrated a positive relationship between a persistent attachment of the posterior vitreous cortex to the macula and early signs of ARMD. Although the precise mechanism of this relationship remains unclear, the role of chronic low-grade inflammation, chronic oxidative and mechanical stress and an increase in VEGF is discussed. Persistent vitreous attachment is likely to be another risk factor for ARMD.

  • 出版日期2012-5