
A new analytical approach to linear perturbations in anisotropic inflation has been introduced in [A. Talebian-Ashkezari, N. Ahmadi arid A.A. Abolhasani, JCAP 03 (2018) 001] under the name of delta M formalism. In this paper we apply the mentioned approach to a model of anisotropic inflation driven by a scalar field, coupled to the kinetic term of a vector field with a U(1) symmetry. The delta M formalism provides an efficient way of computing tensor-tensor, tensor-scalar as well as scalar-scalar 2-point correlations that are needed for the analysis of the observational features of an anisotropic model on the CMB. A comparison between delta M results and the tedious calculations using in-in formalism shows the aptitude of the delta M formalism in calculating accurate two point correlation functions between physical modes of the system.

  • 出版日期2018-5