
This paper presents an assessment of the ability of the 3PG process-based model to simulate height (h) and diameter at breast height (DBH) growth in three plots located in a Eucalyptus globulus plantation on the Atlantic coast of Galicia (Northwest Spain). The obtained results show how this model estimates adequately height (h) and DBH growth, and determination coefficients (R (2)) between observed data and data predicted by the model are always higher than 0.97, root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.45-1.05 cm in DBH and 0.46-0.85 in h, and a model efficiency (EF) close to 1 (0.98-0.99). In order to improve the results predicted by the model, we propose modifying the nS and fullCanAge parameter values given by default so as to adjust growth rates in the plantation to the weather conditions in the site. The ability of the model to discriminate growth rates in the three plots must be noted, even when plots are located in the same plantation and they only show differences in aspects related to site factors. Given the obtained results in the three plots used in this study, its simplicity and the small number of parameters needed as input data, the 3PG model stands out as a very useful tool for forest plantation management.

  • 出版日期2010-7