
Opuntia perotensis Scheinvar Olalde & Gallegos, a new cactus pear species from Frijol Colorado, Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. The new species was identified as Opuntia huajuapensis Bravo in the herbarium of the Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas of the Universidad Veracruzana. Opuntia huajuapensis is an endemic species from "mixteca oaxacense"; differing of O. perotensis that has a papillose skin; cladodes with spines in all areoles, with few black hairs, two colors of flowers; subglobose fruits with thick walls; aril hairy, seeds located in the center of the fruit and pollen grains with two morphologic types. It belongs to the series Criniferae Pfeiff.

  • 出版日期2015-3