Magnetic resonance imaging findings of breast juvenile papillomatosis

作者:Durur Subasi Irmak*; Alper Fatih; Akcay Mufide Nuran; Demirci Elif; Gundogdu Cemal
来源:Japanese Journal of Radiology, 2013, 31(6): 419-423.


Juvenile papillomatosis is a rare disease affecting young women. Here we present magnetic resonance imaging features of two cases with histopathologically proven juvenile papillomatosis of the breast and review some of the relevant literature. Case 1 exhibited bilateral, well-bordered breast masses, with complex cystic and solid components. The kinetic evaluation showed continuous and plateau patterns. Case 2 featured a giant mass with a few cystic and many solid nodular components and filled the entire right breast. The kinetic evaluation showed a continuous curve.
