Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay Reduction by Heart Rate Characteristics Monitoring

作者:Swanson Jonathan R*; King William E; Sinkin Robert A; Lake Douglas E; Carlo Waldemar A; Schelonka Robert L; Porcelli Peter J; Navarrete Christina T; Bancalari Eduardo; L Aschner Judy; Perez Jose A; O'Shea T Michael; Walker M Whit
来源:Journal of Pediatrics, 2018, 198: 162-167.


Objective To examine the effect of heart rate characteristics (HRC) monitoring on length of stay among very low birth weight (VLBW; <1500 g birth weight) neonates in the HeRO randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Study design We performed a retrospective analysis of length of stay metrics among 3 subpopulations (all patients, all survivors, and survivors with positive blood or urine cultures) enrolled in a multicenter, RCT of HRC monitoring.
Results Among all patients in the RCT, infants randomized to receive HRC monitoring were more likely than controls to be discharged alive and prior to day 120 (83.6% vs 80.1%, P = .014). The postmenstrual age at discharge for survivors with positive blood or urine cultures was 3.2 days lower among infants randomized to receive HRC monitoring when compared with controls (P = .026). Although there were trends in other metrics toward reduced length of stay in HRC-monitored patients. none reached statistical significance.
Conclusions HRC monitoring is associated with reduced mortality in VLBW patients and a reduction in length of stay among infected surviving VLBW infants.

  • 出版日期2018-7