
A new frequency-domain electromagnetics algorithm is developed for simulating curved interfaces between anisotropic dielectrics embedded in a Yee mesh with second-order error in resonant frequencies. The algorithm is systematically derived using the finite integration formulation of Maxwell's equations on the Yee mesh. Second-order convergence of the error in resonant frequencies is achieved by guaranteeing first-order error on dielectric boundaries and second-order error in bulk (possibly anisotropic) regions. Convergence studies, conducted for an analytically solvable problem and for a photonic crystal of ellipsoids with anisotropic dielectric constant, both show second-order convergence of frequency error; the convergence is sufficiently smooth that Richardson extrapolation yields roughly third-order convergence. The convergence of electric fields near the dielectric interface for the analytic problem is also presented.

  • 出版日期2011-3-1