A Pragmatic View of the New Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines

作者:Keaney John F Jr*; Curfman Gregory D; Jarcho John A
来源:New England Journal of Medicine, 2014, 370(3): 275-278.


New ACC-AHA guidelines represent a substantial departure from previous recommendations for lipid management and may have a major effect on clinical practice. Overall, they will move treatment toward statins and deemphasize other agents for a broader range of patients. On November 12, 2013, updated guidelines for the treatment of high blood cholesterol levels were released by the American College of Cardiology-American Heart Association (ACC-AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines.(1) This update represents the first major guideline revision since the National Cholesterol Education Program released its Adult Treatment Panel III report in 2002.(2) The previous guidelines were widely accepted and applied with relative consistency. In contrast, the new guidelines have already been the subject of controversy, with some observers arguing that some elements of the recommendations are not evidence-based.(3) Nevertheless, these recommendations may have a major effect on the clinical ...