Application of OpenMP to Wireline Triaxial Induction Logging in 1D Layered Anisotropic Medium

作者:Zhang Zhijuan*; Yuan Ning; Liu Richard
来源:International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2012, 864748.


Efficient and accurate forward modeling of logging tool responses is essential for data inversion in the log data interpretation in both real time and postprocessing. With the aggressive advancement of various high-performance computing techniques and computer hardware technology, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of the forward modeling. In this paper, we apply OpenMP to parallelize the simulation of triaxial induction logging tools in 1D multilayered anisotropic formation. The parallel process is explained in detail and numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effect of the parallel programming. Comparison of the original code and the parallel code shows that the latter is much faster without loss of accuracy, which is very promising for future real-time inversion.