
Two new triterpenoids, teuviscins A (1) and B (2), were isolated from the whole plants of Teucrium viscidum. Compound 1 possessed a rare 7(8 -> 9) abeo-9R-D:C-friedo-B':A'-neo-gammacerane skeleton, and compound 2 is a taraxerane triterpene acid. Their structures were characterized by extensive spectroscopic methods (HR-ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR), and the absolute configurations of 1 and 2 were secured by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses using Cu K alpha radiation. Compound 2 showed anti-AD bioactivity which delayed animals paralysis of transgenic AD Caenorhabditis elegans.

  • 出版日期2017-1-1
  • 单位兰州大学; 功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室