
In image processing, for example, when combining the information content of image, we areinterested in the relationship between two or more images. The analysis of this relationshipusually becomes tractable once a correspondence is set up between the images. Imageregistration is the task of setting up this correspondence. This paper overviews the theoreticalaspects of an image registration problem. The purpose of this paper is to present a survey ofimage registration techniques. Registration is a fundamental task in image processing used tomatch two or more pictures taken, for example, at different times, from different sensors, or fromdifferent viewpoints. It geometrically aligns two images the reference and sensed images.Specific examples of systems where image registration is a significant component includematching a target with a real-time image of a scene. Various applications of image registrationare target recognition, monitoring global land usage using satellite images, matching stereoimages to recover shape for navigation, and aligning images from different medical modalities fordiagnosis.

  • 出版日期2011
