
Honeybee which is a very important and useful model insect of social behavior language and pheromone study has been widely studied around the world from many aspects. With the development of the colony, honeybees make many decisions to flourish the colony and breed it stronger During the swarming season, honeybees will decide when to swarm, who joins the swarming, who stays in the colony and where the new home is. In this paper, we focused on whether workers can consciously decide to leave or to stay in the colony during the swarming, and if they can, what can be the underline impetus. The experiment was conducted with three colony Apis cerana cerana under natural swarming conditions. Genetic relatedness and subfamily composition were analyzed by using four Microsatellites. The results showed that subfamily distribution in swarms and the workers staying in the colony were significantly different from random decision making. Workers prefer to stay with their super sister virgin queens. Our data first indicates genetic relatedness may affect workers making non random decisions on whether to leave or to stay in the colony during swarming. We presume non random decision making set the evolutionary success for honeybees.