
Sesleria calabrica (Deyl) Di Pietro is a species belonging to the collective group of S. juncifolia s.l. which has been described recently for southern Italy where it is restricted to the Pollino-Orsomarso massifs. In this area S. calabrica is widespread between 1200 and 2280 m a.s.l where it is the dominant species in two grassland types, Jurineo mollis-Seslerietum calabricae ass. nov. (lower montane belt) and Anthyllido atropurpureae-Seslerietum calabricae ass. nov. (subalpine belt) which belong respectively to Festuco-Brometea and Elyno-Seslerietea classes. The presence of a southern Italy endemic sub-alliance of Seslerion apenninae is hypothesised.

  • 出版日期2010-10