
Periodic maintenance of equipment is essential for its optimum performance, thereby enabling production efficiency. In the past, studies on preventive maintenance of automated manufacturing systems (AMS) determined the optimal preventive maintenance policy under different performance indexes. Generally, most hypotheses indicate that equipment reliability can be restored to 1.0 through preventive and corrective maintenance. However, in practical application, the implementation of preventive maintenance results in partial deterioration of equipment; moreover, the reliability of equipment cannot be restored to as-good-as-new. In addition, the greater the complexity of connections of the equipment, the greater is the difficulty in determining the timing for preventive maintenance. On account of these characteristics, generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) are well-suited for the implementation of preventive maintenance. Therefore, this paper applies GSPN for deciding the optimal maintenance policy and constructing models for different levels of maintenance and renewal for an AMS with a serial-parallel layout. As a result of the application of GSPN, the following optimal maintenance policy for an AMS was obtained in this study: Preventive maintenance conducted at intervals of every 240 hours will reduce cost by 46% as opposed to the practice of replacing defective parts when necessary.

  • 出版日期2010-5