
In studies on healthy humans, we examined changes in the H reflex amplitude and the intensity of background EMG (bEMG) of the soleus muscle within the premotor period of voluntary movements of the contralateral foot. In the standing position with support on both lower limbs, we observed facilitation of the tested De reflex and increase in the intensity of bEMG about 60 msec prior to the beginning of conditioned dorsiflexion of the foot. In the case of plantar flexion under analogous conditions, we observed anticipatory inhibition of the H reflex and suppression of bEMG. The pattern of these changes corresponded in general to reciprocal relations between the shin muscles. Opposite results were obtained in the case where the tested persons used an additional hand support. Under such conditions, they leaned only on the tested lower limb, while the conditioning one was not supporting. Plantar flexion of the contralateral foot caused, in this case, anticipatory facilitation of the tested H reflex. Therefore, premotor dynamics of the H reflex and of bEMG of the soleus muscle related to voluntary movements of the contralateral foot depend not only on the kind of movement but also on the body position, absence/ presence of additional support, and fulfillment/nonfulfillment of the support function by the lower limbs.

  • 出版日期2014-4
