
Over the past 10 years, Brush Wellman Inc., the primary beryllium producer, has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) and others in conducting research to develop a beryllium safety model to prevent chronic beryllium disease. As the result of this research-to-practice partnership, a philosophically different worker protection model evolved based on the premise of addressing all routes and pathways of potential worker exposure. The model's fundamental principles involve keeping beryllium (1) out of the lungs, (2) work areas clean, (3) off the skin, (4) off clothing, (5) at the source, (6) in the work area, (7) on the plant site, and (8) workers prepared to work safely. Recent research by NIOSH is demonstrating that the model has reduced beryllium sensitization and lowered the risk of chronic beryllium disease in employees hired since 2001. As a result, an e-learning tool was created to enhance the communication of the model throughout the industrial supply chain.

  • 出版日期2009
