
Sonogashira coupling of ( E)- a- iodovinylstannanes 1 with ( trimethylsilyl) acetylene gave ( Z)- 1-( trimethylsilyl)3-( tributylstannyl) alk- 3- en- 1- ynes 2, which underwent a desilylation reaction to afford ( Z)- 3-( tributylstannyl) alk- 3- en- 1- ynes 3 in high yields. ( 1E, 3Z)- 1- Halo- 3-( tributylstannyl)- substituted 1,3- dienes 5 could be synthesized stereoselectively via hydrozirconation of ( Z)- 3-( tributylstannyl) alk- 3- en- 1- ynes 3, followed by trapping with iodine or NBS.